You may have heard many people questioning about the authenticity of the solar panels. They just want to check original and fake solar panels differences. So, it’s been a common question nowadays that how do we check if a solar panel is real or fake.
When you visit market to buy solar panels, you may have seen that most of the sales man try to satisfy you about the quality and price of the solar panels. They offer you the cheapest price to sell their products. But, you have to double check the authenticity of the dealer as well as solar panel.
After discussing this problem with the solar panel experts and trusted dealers we got all the information about how to verify the originality of a panel. There are few steps that you have to follow in order to buy the original solar panels. So let’s check the solution.
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How to check the authenticity of solar panel
There are 5 methods to check the original and fake solar panel. You must have to follow the instructions given below to while buying panel.
1. Do proper research before visiting market
You must have adequate knowledge about the solar panels, solar cell manufacturing companies and types of solar panels. The top 5 most popular companies in Pakistan are LONGI, JINKO, CANADIAN, JA and TRINA. These all companies are manufacturing P-type as well as N-type Tier-1, A grade solar panels. You must have knowledge about these companies and types of panels.
2. Check the market prices
Do not rush into buying the solar panels after visiting a single shop. Visit multiple shops, explore the market and note down the prices you get from all the shop keepers. If any sales man is offering you the significantly low price. Consider him a red flag. He may trying to sell you B grade fake panels.
3. Scan the serial number
Serial numbers are also a very good and effective method to check the originality of a solar plate. These serial numbers are printed on a sticker present on the back side of a solar panels. But as we know, these stickers can also be printed easily.
The other method is looking for a serial number that is printed inside the solar panel. This serial number is present on front side between the cells. You can find it in the top left or right corner of the solar panel.
After finding the serial number just paste the serial number on the company’s website.You can also scan the bar code to get to verify the authenticity of solar panel. As an example, I have show the step by step procedure to verify whether my LONGI solar panel is real or fake.
Step 1:
I checked for the serial number or bar code that was printed on front side of my LONGI solar panel.

Step 2:
Search for the authenticity of solar panel with company’s name. For example, “LONGI solar panel authenticity“. The company’s website will appear. Click on that and you will see the following screen.

Step 3:
Scan the Bar code or simply type your panel’s serial number in the given field and you will get the information about the solar panel if it is original. Otherwise the website will show an error.

4. Ask for documentation
Solar panels with the proper and authentic documentation are considered legit. The purchasing documents have all the details about the company name, model name, power, serial number and importer details. You can contact the importers to further verify the authenticity of the retailer as well as solar panels.
Verify the serial number on company website and match the serial number with the serial number of panel. So, must ask for the documented panel from the shop keeper. If he is unable to provide you the documentation, don’t buy.
5. Always buy from trusted dealer
If you are thinking to buy solar panels on your own, you have to be very careful. Because you can get scammed easily if you are not properly educated about the market. First of all, try to find a person who have already installed a good performing solar panel system.
You can get the information about the shop keeper from where he bought the solar panels. There are high chances of getting the right dealer by this method. Secondly, you can also choose a well established and reputed solar dealer near you.
How to check if you a solar panel is A grade or B grade?
It is another tough task to accomplish before buying. A grade solar panels are the real, highly efficient and original solar panels. A lot of buyers got scammed by the shop keepers when they get B-grade panel instead of A grade without even knowing it.
But you don’t need to worry, let me tell you how to identify the if a solar panel is A grade or B grade. To check that, first you have to look at the physical condition of the panels. If it’s quality and condition looks rough or it is not well-finished. It is probably B-grade solar panel.
Next step is to verify all the documents that come with the solar panel pallet. The document will provide all the information including bus count, serial number, type etc.
How to check if you a solar panel is P- type or N type?
Solar panels are majorly categorised into two types:
- P-type Solar Panels
- N-types Solar Panels
P type solar panels are doped with Boron and hence it is vulnerable to rust. P-type solar panels are less efficient as compared to N-type solar panels. Where as, N-type solar panels are doped with phosphorus that helps the panel to more electricity more efficiently than P-type.
To buy the solar panel, you should first check if the panel is P-type or N-type. Sometimes, the people who are unaware of the difference between these types trapped by the scammers. They sell P-type panels instead of N-type and the customer (because of lack of knowledge) get tricked by these frauds.
To check it, first of all count the number of bus bar. P- type panels has 10 bus bar count. On the other hand, N-type bus bar count is 16 or 18.
If you are trying to buy and install original solar panels. You have to check the market rates, authentic dealer, documentation of solar panels and verify the serial number of panels from company’s website.