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Solar Panel Types in Pakistan

Check the comparison table of different types of solar panel in Pakistan below.

Cell TypeSingleMultiMono (improved)VariousDouble-sided
Space RequirementHighHighestModerateHighModerate
LowLight PerformanceGoodGoodVery GoodBetterExecellent
DurabilityExcellentGoodExcellentLowSimilar to Mono/Poly
InstallationEasyEasyEasyEasyNeeds Reflective Rooftop

Mono-crystalline Solar Panels

solar panel price in pakistan

These solar panels are made up of pure silicon which gives you high efficiency and energy conversion rate of around 17% – 22%. You can easily identify monocrystalline solar panels from their black appearance. It is rated as one of the best solar panels regarding to their output.

If you find this interesting you should also look for the cost of these panels on our website.


Polycrystalline Solar Panel​

solar panel price in pakistan

Polycrystalline solar panels can be identified by their blue coloured appearance. These solar panels/plates provides efficiency of 15% – 17%. these solar panels are made from melting raw silicon and they doesn’t contain 100% pure silicon.

Thin-Films Solar Panel​

solar panel price in pakistan

Now you will see the most unique and special kind of solar panel. It is made up of photovoltaic cells that are stick to the glass, metal or plastic instead of silicon wafer. Thin-film panels are flexible and can be bent to fit on uneven surfaces including curved areas which make them useful in special conditions.



solar panel price in pakistan

PERC solar panels are also type of mono-crystalline solar panels. These panel have special aluminium coating on their back site to reflect sunlight and make use of more sunlight and operate more effectively. That’s why they have more efficiency than their parent type (Mono-crystalline).

Bifacial Solar Panel​

solar panel price in pakistan

Most of the Bifacial Solar Panels are of mono-crystalline nature and use mono crystalline cells. These panels are almost same as  mono-facial solar panels but, bifacial panel have glass on both sides exposing the solar cell to light from the front and back as well.

As a result, you can get 30% more energy from a single panel because it convert the light hitting the panel directly and also the reflected light that is hitting it from the rear side.